Happy Valentines Day!

Mom went through all the examinations and tests, the end result was a hair-line fracture, both ankles sprained, and the good news is she will NOT need surgery. She will be going through physical and occupational therapy. When she able to get around she will be able to go home.

Thursday, Mom was moved to a nursing home where she can recover and go through PT & OT. She is still in a lot of pain but is feeling better that she might be able to go home by the end of the week if all goes well. Her primary desire is to heal and get home to Jim and Dad.

Dr. Michaud, her oncologist told her not to worry about her cancer treatment it can start when she gets out of recovery. He was encouraged that it was not growing like he thought it was.

I talked with her today and she mentioned the food was a lot better than the hospital’s food. Everything in the facility was very good. She is in a private room for quarantine with a view, and the only problem was she couldn’t get any sleep because of the noise and it being an unfamiliar place.

Janet (sister) is still at the house with Jim and Dad. She is doing a great job. I can hear the exhaustion in her voice, but she is handling it. She has been working with the VA and their contractors to get some in-home medical assistance when mom gets home.

Dad is doing okay, worried about Mom, but still has a great attitude. He greets everyone with a smile and is grateful for everything that is done for him.

Dad has been bedridden since March 2020. The stroke he had about 10 years ago resulted in his left side being paralyzed.

Jim is a little confused about what is going on but mom talks with him every day and that helps.

If you would like to make a comment on the website you can do so here: COMMENTS – (https://tracknet.org/02-14-2021)

All comments will be available for mom & dad to read.

Please continue to pray for them and keep them in your hearts and thoughts.

Aloha Nui Loa,